Devolver Digital Acquires Astroneer Developer System Era


Devolver Digital Acquires Astroneer Developer System Era

William D’Angelo
, posted 2 days ago / 1,758 Views

Devolver Digital announced it has acquired Astroneer developer System Era.

“Today, after almost a decade of mutual admiration and friendship, Devolver Digital and System Era declare their undying love for one another in the only way they know how: by turning down the lights, turning up the heat, and forming a strategic business relationship,” reads the announcement from Devolver Digital.

“Back when Devolver and System Era were just a glint in the video game industry’s eye, both teams vowed to build companies that reflected their spirit of independence. They placed passion and creativity proudly at the forefront of their businesses, and quickly found success. Now, they have new ambitions that they felt could be explored better, together.”

System Era CEO Brendan Wilson stated, “We’ve always seen Devolver’s banner as a mark of quality. Their developer-first ethos has paved the way for some of the boldest and most creative ideas to thrive, and we’re thrilled to be joining a merry band of like-minded people where our games will get the support they need within a culture they love.”

View the announcement video on the acquisition below:

Read a blog post from System Era below:

Today, we get to make one of the most exciting announcements in System Era’s history: We’re joining Devolver Digital as a first party studio! This is an amazing milestone for both System Era and for Devolver, and is going to enable us to focus on delivering the best quality experiences to the most people, with System Era’s unique style.

Few people know this, but System Era and Devolver have a history that spans nearly to the dawn of the company, when Devolver very nearly became the publisher for Astroneer, over 8 years ago. Despite taking separate roads then, we remained admirers of Devolver as both our companies grew. Now, Devolver has become a standard bearer in the industry for indie development. They’ve proven, time and time again, that they care not only about publishing the best quality experiences, but about putting the radical ideas of the amazing, creative developers they support at the forefront of their business. It’s the shared culture between System Era and Devolver that made this a natural match for us.

System Era the company, the brand, and the team, is not going anywhere. We’ll keep going on as before, only stronger! What about Astroneer, will we keep working on it? Of course! Most of our team has already been working on something new and exciting, but now we’ll have even greater capacity to support Astroneer and its amazing community who have stuck with us for so long. We have a whole roadmap for 2024 updates we’ve embarked on, we can’t wait to share more.

When we started System Era, our goal was to build a game unlike any we had seen before. We wanted to build a company we ourselves would love to work for. We succeeded beyond our hopes. But we have new ambitions, and making the kinds of games we want to make was going to require new partnerships of one kind or another that would each change System Era, for better or worse. This partnership, working in-house with Devolver, lets us focus on what we love, the way we love to do it. We don’t shed independence lightly. But with Devolver, we don’t think System Era is losing independence, we think it’s finding a home among a like-minded confederation of talented people, under a banner that is synonymous with the indie ethos, and we can’t wait to continue our journey, together.

Thanks and love to every single person who has supported us along the way. The best is yet to come.

— Brendan, Adam, & the Team at System Era

A life-long and avid gamer, William D’Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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