Everything we know about Monster Hunter Now’s Hunt-a-Thon mode


Monster Hunter Now takes you all over your local area to hunt monsters. This currently involves a lot of moving around the world, rooting them out, and then attacking them. You can do this alone, or in groups if a few other hunters happen to be nearby. You can also paintball monsters and save them to then fight when you are with friends who can join. This sort of collaboration with your friends is going to be further enhanced, with the announcement of the new feature; Hunt-a-Thon, alongside the Fulminations in the Frost season.

Everything we know about Hunt-a-Thons

Hunt-a-Thons are active on specific points that appear on the map (sort of like a Pokemon Gym, from Niantic’s other game, Pokemon Go). These giant beacons give a bit of warning of where they’ll appear so that you can gather your party before heading over to enter it and compete in a series of battles against monsters. It is worth noting, you will need to be HR11 or higher to enter a Hunt-a-Thon.

Once you have found a point and are within the area, a maximum of four hunters in a group will then start hunting a sequence of five monsters. The fifth and final monster you hunt will have a chance to be a Zinogre, and this is the only way that Zinogres will appear in the game, at this time.

Hunters are limited to one Hunt-a-thon every 180 minutes (or 3 hours) by default, however, there will be a ticket which can be purchased with gems at the Hunt-a-Thon location, as well as in-app in the store and on the web store, which will allow players to participate in more Hunt-a-Thons without the time restriction.

These Hunt-A-Thons operate on the same cell system that other Niantic games use, and once one is complete it’ll move around to one of the other six locations within the cell. These monsters will appear around the starting point, sort of cornering all of the hunters, and you and your friends can hunt whichever you want first. After four are defeated, the final monster will appear, which is where you have your chance to fight the Zinogre. 

This new feature will encourage people to play together and find other hunters, especially with the challenge that comes from these monsters and their time limit to defeat them!  It should also give more rural hunters a chance to organise and gather equipment parts at speed. 


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