Former Abingdon MG factory workers gather for Christmas


Kimber House, near the old MG factory site, saw 80 former workers gather from all over the country to enjoy snacks and hot drinks in celebration of the festive season.

Oxford Mail: Former MG factory workers gathered for Christmas funFormer MG factory workers gathered for Christmas fun (Image: Contributed)

Vito Orlando, who organised the get together expressed his amazement that each year he is contacted by more former workers and was pleased to see lots of old friends and colleagues attend.

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He said: “It’s truly amazing to see so many faced from the past and was a joy to recall so many memories.”

Club manager Andy Knott welcomed the group and remarked how pleased the car club was to run this annual gathering.

He said: “It is something special to see so many ex-workers gathered here, laughing and enjoying the day, as much as we enjoy the wonderful MGs that they built in Abingdon for over 50 years.”


This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

Get in touch with him by emailing:

Follow him on Twitter: @OxMailMattN1



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