LOL: Boys Destroy Tampon Dispenser in Boy’s Bathroom … BECAUSE THEY’RE BOYS


It has become very clear that the gender cult will never stop trying to force their insanity on normal people unless they are forced to stop. And we don’t mean ‘forced’ in the way that many gender cultists mean it (a.k.a, violence). We mean LEGALLY forced to stop. 

But sometimes, just sometimes, a little violence can be helpful too, just to point out the craziness. Not violence against people, but violence against … tampon dispensers. 

For this, we go to Brookfield High School in Brookfield, CT, where there is a state law compelling schools to put tampon dispensers IN THE BOY’S BATHROOM. Did Justin Trudeau pass that law? 

Guess who was having absolutely none of that? The boys at Brookfield High School, that’s who. 

Sorry, but this is just hilarious. The dispenser was installed at 9:30 a.m. on January 24. By exactly 9:52 a.m. that same morning, the boys in the high school had completely demolished it and stuffed it in the toilet. 

Bravo, boys. Not all heroes wear capes, but some definitely go to Brookfield High School. 

Unfortunately, the school’s principal, Marc Balanda, was not amused. But we are very much laughing at his ludicrous response to the incident. From Inside Investigator

In an e-mail sent to students on Wednesday and obtained by Inside Investigator, Balanda states that the dispenser, which was installed in the boys bathroom by the Main Office, was put there following state law. 

Balanda also informs students that the school has a list of suspects and believes they know who the perpetrator(s) may be. He called the incident ‘the most egregious instance of vandalism and destruction of property in recent weeks’


‘The most egregious instance of vandalism…’ Give us a break. Does that sound like someone who only installed the dispenser because of a state law? Or does it sound more like a fully indoctrinated member of the cult? 

You don’t have to answer. We all know. 

Balanda also promised to re-install the dispenser. LOL. Have fun with that. Next time, we hope the students tear it down in UNDER 20 minutes. 

It is important for young people to set goals, after all. 

Make the trophy look EXACTLY like that. It would be perfect. 

No one is surprised. 

And no one is surprised that Balanda looks like that either. If he had hair, it would almost certainly be pink. Or purple. Or both. 

Some of them certainly are. (And we always love a perfectly timed reference to The Who.)

Oh, Sweet Jebus. We had not seen that before and we kind of wish we still hadn’t seen it. 

Elon Musk’s responses to these kinds of things always tend to be brief but they get the point across remarkably well. 

Megyn Kelly, by contrast to Musk, tends to be a little more vocal and direct but is always on point too.

Sometimes, just a tiny bit of ‘Lord of the Flies’ is not necessarily a bad thing. 

Any tampon dispenser that survives more than an hour inside a boys’ bathroom is there for an hour too long. As woke as Balanda seems to be though, he will probably put security guards inside every bathroom (but almost certainly would never allow armed security to protect those kids from violent threats). 

Unless they’re using them for nosebleeds, this is 100 percent correct. And anyone who DOES have that ‘aperture’ referenced above is decidedly NOT a boy. 

If you have ever been, raised, or even KNOWN a high school boy, you know that they will absolutely do this. And the principal scolding them about it will only spur them on to do it even more. 

Hell, have them give us a call when they turn 21 and we’ll buy them all a beer or three. 

HA. Great idea. Let’s all call Principal Balanda this week and confess to the ‘crime.’ Flood his office with calls and emails saying we did it. He DID put his phone number in his message to all students, after all. 

And ultimately, that’s really all that needs to be said. 

When the government or institutions demand obeisance to insanity, always refuse to comply. 

Or, as Captain America himself put it:

Right on, Cap. And well done to the boys at Brookfield High School. 


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