Moms for Liberty, Now on Bravo


Okay, if you want to be really technical about it. It’s not Moms for Liberty, the group cofounded by Florida threesomer Bridget Ziegler. But it’s the same political movement of post-Covid rightwing moms mobilizing to takeover school boards and rid them of the “woke mind virus.” Pennsylvania’s Clarice Schillinger runs two Moms for Liberty-esque SuperPACs, Keeping Kids in School PAC and Back to School Pac. She was also a candidate for Lt. Gov in 2022. Here she is hanging out with President Trump back in better times. She and Trump talked about “how the moms are upset and how we’re going to save America. And the grandmoms and the caregivers, all of us. When you touch our children, it’s about the future of democracy. This is what happens.”

Now Schillinger has been arrested touching children in the form of punching out a sixteen year old at a booze-drenched birthday party she threw for her seventeen year old daughter at the homestead in Doylestown, PA.

The particular chain of even is difficult to describe any better than in the lead to this article in The Philadelphia Inquirer. And not the intergenerational ferality on display (emphasis added) …

A former GOP candidate for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor and leader of a political action committee that fueled conservative opposition to school boards has been charged with assault after allegedly punching a teenager at a boozy birthday party she threw for her 17-year-old daughter.

Multiple teenagers were assaulted by intoxicated adults during the Sept. 29 party at Clarice Schillinger’s Doylestown home, according to a police affidavit. Police say that Schillinger’s intoxicated boyfriend punched one teen in the face and assaulted another. That teen also was punched in the eye by Schillinger’s intoxicated mother, who also chased that teen around the kitchen, the affidavit said.

As teenagers tried to leave the home on Liz Circle, Schillinger — who police said had supplied the more than 15 minors at the party with a basement bar stocked with vodka and rum, played beer pong with them and encouraged them to take shots with her — ordered them to stay.

She then punched one young man in the face three times, according to the affidavit, which said video footage showed Schillinger lunging toward a group of teenagers in the foyer and having to be restrained.

Have a wonderful New Year’s, folks. Don’t punch the kids.

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