Your Yearly Horoscope Is Ending 2023 With a Bang


We’ve officially made it to the last month of 2023, and your yearly horoscope has made one thing clear: big changes were made. Your 2023 horoscope was marked by two major transits: at the tail end of 2022, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, shifted from Pisces into Aries, where it stayed through the first five months of this year. And in March, Saturn, the planet of challenge, shifted from fixed air sign Aquarius into docile water sign Pisces, where it will remain for the next two and a half years.

Together, these two transits asked us to spend the first quarter of the year releasing our reliance on fantasy and focus on bold action. But when Jupiter entered Taurus and Saturn settled more comfortably in Pisces, we entered a new phase altogether — one in which we felt more inspired by our evolved consciousness.

When looking at what to expect during the rest of 2023, it’s important to note the importance of when Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, began its retrograde from Aquarius back into Capricorn in June, after having made a monumental shift out of Capricorn, where it had been for 14 years. This astronomical event showed us where we must evolve, even when we didn’t feel ready to.

Now, we have just a few more major events to wrap up the year: a new moon in Sagittarius, the end of Sagittarius season, the beginning of Capricorn season, a cold moon in Cancer, one final Mercury retrograde, and so much more. As we progress through the rest of the year, the stars are asking us to take a step back to reassess everything we thought we knew about humanity — giving us a chance to define what freedom looks like for us on an individual and collective front.

Here’s what your yearly horoscope is highlighting for you. Read your horoscope first according to your rising sign, then according to your sun sign. For the full picture of the rest of the year, be sure to read your zodiac sign’s love horoscope, sex horoscope, money and career horoscope, and wellness and happiness horoscope, too.


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